Robert-Klaas – Spare parts – Bolt with nut – for secateurs in sizes S (17 cm) to XL (23 cm)
- 91000110-17 = for secateurs in size S in 17 cm
- 91000110-19/21 = for garden shears in size M and L in 19 and 21 cm
- 91000110-23 = for pruning shears size XL in 23 cm
Care instructions secateurs:
Springs and connectors should be oiled occasionally on all secateurs. Simply put a few drops of fine mechanical oil on the moving parts or spray with WD40 or similar oil. After use in wet or damp conditions, dry the scissors and spray occasionally with a multifunctional oil, e.g. WD40 or Ballistol. Before winter storage, wipe the shears with an oil-soaked cloth and oil all moving parts.
Péter György Pataki –
Nem ment bele a metszÅ‘ollóba! Kb. 0,05 milliméterrel volt nagyobb a csavar hengeres átmérÅ‘je mint a metszÅ‘olló furata. A furatot kellett kézi finomcsiszolóval kitágÃtani.
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