forged cultivator – cultivator – sow tooth – soil aerator from Krumpholz 1799

forged cultivatorcultivatorsow teethflower clawsoil aerator

are used for tillage, topsoil crumbling and weed removal. The from Krumpholz forged cultivators are made of particularly strong and tough carbon steel. They are used for soil loosening and weed control without damaging the stratification of the soil.

The natural layering of the soil can be divided into three areas. The topsoil, the subsoil and the parent rock

The topsoil is for plants most important layer for plant growth. There, the humus mixes and combines with mineral components. The humus consists of decomposed material of flora and fauna. The topsoil is decomposed and transformed by fungi and bacteria and mixed with the mineral components by earthworms. A healthy topsoil with a high humus content is critical for vital plant growth.

In the subsoil is found mainly mineral material. Weathered rock, sand and materials washed in from the topsoil characterize the subsoil. Humus is hardly present there.

The source rock consists almost exclusively from unweathered rock layers. This subsoil forms the replenishment for soil development.

Why work the soil with a sour tooth or soil aerator?

By digging up healthy topsoil with a spade or fork, organic life is transported into the oxygen-poorer subsoil. Many of these organisms cannot exist there and die. The soil loses vitality and nutrients.

When ripping up the soil with the sow tooth, the topsoil is not transported into deeper soil layers. Earthworms, fungi and bacteria remain and continuously increase the humus content. This process can be supported and enhanced by appropriate organic fertilization.

The tillage with the sow tooth is significantly easier, more energy-saving and faster than digging with a spade or digging fork. First, the soil should be cleared of weeds, for example, raking with a culitivator. After removing the weeds, you need to pull the sow tooth through the bed in intersecting paths. The distance between the rows should be from 15 to 25 centimeters.

When to work the bed with the sow’s tooth?

The bed should be worked either before or after the winter. Optimal is the processing before the winter. The frost causes the cracked soil to crumble optimally. However, spring processing before the first sowing / planting is also fine. In the spring, your own motivation is often higher.

Which sow’s tooth for which bed?

For raised beds use our small sow’s teeth No. 1307 or No. 1309 from Krumpholz. For ground level beds, our large hammer-forged sow tooth No. 1061 or sow tooth No. 1306 is optimal.

Finely crumble the topsoil you can best use a cultivator or cultivator. The loosened layers of soil can more easily absorb heat, air, water and nutrients. At the same time, the soil is optimally prepared for fertilizing – it is best to use natural fertilizers to supply the soil with sufficient nutrients again and again.

The many different sow teeth, cultivators, cultivators from Krumpholz offer here for all gardeners the right garden tool for loosening the soil and weeding.

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